The Ghost of Charlie Russell
©David Walburn 2004
When the west was still young and had room for dreamers
Where the Blackfeet and the Buffalo roamed
There came a young man they called Kid Russell
Making Montana his home
He lived out his days riding high in the saddle
Drifting the range with the wind
Day after day he covered his canvas
With the stories of the west and its men
And everywhere he rode the legend would grow
Of a cowboy with vision and dreams
Who could paint anything that he sees
And they say the Ghost of Old Charlie Russell
Each day at first light he rides
Crossing the range with color and canvas
To paint each new Montana sky
When the Iron Horse rolled west it brought with it changes
Leaving no room for wild things to run
With no time to lose Charlie painted his pictures
Before the west could be won
Cause deep down he knew there was not time to lose
And you can’t get it back once its gone
And I guess Charlie’s works still not done
CHORUS (Repeat)
Now the Indians they say a horse and its rider
When the die reunite with the Band
To pick up the trail that will show them the way
To the Sand Hills of the Great Spirit Land
So look toward the sky and you’ll understand why
The sunsets out west are so grand
It’s due to the work of one man
CHORUS (Repeat)
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