In All My Days


©David Walburn 1999


I’ve seen the Blue Ridge of West Virginia

Burning bright with color in the fall

Stood on the highest peak and look out over the heavens

And swore that I had seen it all

But I’ve never seen any thing like the Rocky Mountains

As they kiss the western skies


I’ve never seen anything like it

Never seen anything like it

Never seen anything like it

In All My Days


I’ve heard the fife and drum lead the way to battle

As the brave solders all begin to march

And I’ve heard the roar of cannons fired in revolution

The cries of victory when the balls have hit their mark

But I’ve never heard anything like the rumble of the earth

Where the Missouri surrenders to Great Falls


I’ve never heard anything like it


I have dinned within the walls of Monticello

Tasted all the finest wines around the world

Savored on the ripest fruits from natures garden

Still taste that sweet kiss from my first girl

But I’ve never tasted anything quite as sweet

As the Pacific’s salt upon my lips


I’ve never tasted anything like it

I take pride in the service to my country

Only wish that there was more I’ve could have done

Joy fill my heart every time my mother says

No one could ever be prouder of their son

But I’ve never felt anything like the pride I felt

The day I showed Jefferson all that we had done

And we sat and talked for hours but my words to describe it

Only worked to make it all seem so small

And I could live another 100 years nothing would ever match the glory of it all


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